A BHCC Home Production

A blog about our home renovation, decoration and furnishing exercise... (with occasional exciting adventures of BHCC ..)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dearie's Birthday

Yesterday was Dearie's Birthday. We started the day at the SingTel Charity Walk. The Walk was done around Orchard, from Comcenter to Orchard hotel and back. Personally did not really like the route as there were many traffic light junction along the way. But then again, they need that to make up the 5km route.

After the walk, we had some fun time at the tidy game booth that SingTel had. Now on laptop, post the photo later okay. The participants were each given a HUGE goodies bag too. Literally HUGE, but the contents were nothing more than a few pieces of "don't think will ever use" vouchers. Well, it is a Charity Walk. Got goodies bag very good liao. Won some prizes also at the game booths. And the prize for the game is......
"Drum Rolls"
Duhz, we ended up with half a dozen of apples in our fridge.

With the apples in our goodies bag, we went over to Suntec City to collect my StanChart Marathon Runner's kit. Dearie bought a new shoes within that few minutes while I am away q-ing for the kit. It's a woman's thing that men shdn't never try understanding.

Lunch was at Suntec City CEDELE. Beef sandwich with creamy soup. After lunch is SHOPPING time at Carrerfour. Still trying to convince ourselves in getting a XMAS tree but the cheap ones are really bare and frail looking.

Back home, we showered and rest for a while before proceeding back to Dear's place at Bedok. Dinner was at Dear's place together with her parent, uncles and aunties. We made our way back to Kim Tian and manage to catch "Zhou Ri Ba Dian Dang" before Dear drift to wonderland.

I tried to keep eyes open to catch Man-U in action but I heard a voice from wonderland, asking me to join her. Oh well, by 1245am, I am off to dreamlandddddddd.......

What a SATURDAY! Happy 2Xth Birthday Dear!!!!

Our Lasik surgery

On 21 Nov we went for our Lasik surgery!!! Like many of my decisions, the moment we have decided on something, we do it right away!! haha.. oh well, thank goodness everything went well, and we now have almost perfect eyesight. As today is day 4 after our surgery so we are still recovering from the ops, usually it gets better after the recovery period. Hopeful at the end of the recovery period we will have 6/6 vision.Our last time wearing glasses!

Dearie and I waiting for our ops

Monday, November 19, 2007

Our Weekend Project

Had a great dinner with dearie on Friday night. Intention was actually to get a Christmas at Carrefour for the first time in our new home. Was kind of excited on getting a Christmas tree to decorate our new house as I never had a Christmas tree since young due to space constraint.
Little did we know that on our way to picking up the tree, we would stumble onto a Jigsaw puzzle shop and I ask dear dear to pick one as she did casually mentioned before that we could buy one and do it together.

Hence Dear dear pick a few and we eventually select Winnie the pooh series. Disney being Disney was not the cheapest of jigsaw puzzle out there. Dear dear saw the miser in me having a bit of a heartache after paying for the pooh jigsaw and the frame, immediately suggested that we will not get the tree this year in order to save money. *blush*
This type of wife where to find! Someone who can read me like a book. :)

See these picture of our weekend project (half completed, waiting for dearie to come back on weekend to finish it with me) you should easily guessed that we had a great time doing the jigsaw puzzle and money spent was nothing in return for an artwork of our joint efforts.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Wonderful Sunday

Had a wonderful relaxing day with Dearie today. Started our day early today at 715am when dear dear woke me up to go jogging to the Merlion :)
Due to some wardrobe malfunction on dear dear's part, today she give chances and we only did a short run to Lao Pa Sat. I bought some egg tarts fresh from the oven, wanting to share with Carol then she tell me she on diet.. * ku ku bao* End up i had 2 eggs tart, 2 soft boil eggs, 2 slice of thick butter toast and a kopi!! Bearing in mind that the jogging session was a light one. How can I not get fat right!!

Walked back to Kim Tian with dearie, had a nice business plan discussion with her. Our plans to quit our jobs and start our Singapore dream. (PS: dear, still no conclusion, to be discuss again, hee hee)

Watch some tv, then we went downstair for lunch. Soon after we are back from lunch, as I had some work to finish, dear dear took an afternoon nap, supporting me in my effort to do some uninterrupted work... :p

By 345pm, I managed to finish my presentation slides and propose to go jalan jalan with dearie.
We went to orchard for dear's fav organic sandwich while I had a satisfying seafood linguine. went on to see the Subaru endurance challenge. At 28 hours and 45 mins, still got a good 60% of the people still have their hands on the Subaru impreza. ( No pun intended)

Suprisingly, my distaste in hatchback cars changed. The Subaru impreza 2008 version actually caught my eye and may have won my heart over from my toyota Vios.. but we shall see... prices, FC, engine performances.. need to evaluated some more. Nevertheless, quite impress with these people who went for the Subaru, under the sun, the rain, just to win the car. Quite sure that not all of them are there for the car. Something like completing marathon, climbing mount everest etc.. human need for conquest. :)

Finally after walking round orchard for a while we settled for a low fat ice cream outside Lido before we went home to NUA some more.

Anything special on this day? I would say it is a typical restful Sunday. but what matters is that we enjoyed ourselves, we should celebrate what we have, regardless of how simple, how common, how mundane it seems. Simple pleasure of life.