A BHCC Home Production

A blog about our home renovation, decoration and furnishing exercise... (with occasional exciting adventures of BHCC ..)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Labour Day

M getting ready for this Sunday's Labour Day...why labour day?? cos it is the BIG day of cleaning my new house after handover of keys from Angeline...Just in time for CNY also...wooo hoo...I foresee it is going to be tough day man....So that shall substitute as my daily work-out!!!

Yesterday bght my VC. Today I bght MAGICLEAN....This will be used for my bedroom laminated floor cos I can't use wet rags to clean the bedroom floors..it will damage the laminated floor...

I also got SHELTOX (To kill any leggy creepy crawlers) and MAMA LEMON.

Here's the checklist for this Sunday's exercise: -
1) VC
3) Pails
4) Rags
6) Floor detergent
7) Glass cleaner
8) Toilet rolls
9) Tissue box
10) Scissors (bloody hell..I hate a hard time remembering the spelling of this word)
11) Air freshner
12) Cotton bud (to clean those hard to reach corners of the window grills??)


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