A BHCC Home Production

A blog about our home renovation, decoration and furnishing exercise... (with occasional exciting adventures of BHCC ..)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Little things tat jazz up the whole place...

Work on the details and you can jazz up even the most plain and boring place at home ... and I like details..(thou I am the big picture person)...

This pic is taken at IKEA...and the highlight is the notice board...and we have bght it!!!!

Hubby and I have decided. The notice board will be used to put up: -
1) daily love notes =P
2) outstanding credit card, utilities, telecom etc bills...
3) to do notes
4) FYI notes

and lastly, it shall be our mode of communication during our quarrels...just in case I don't wana talk to him....whahahhaa


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