A BHCC Home Production

A blog about our home renovation, decoration and furnishing exercise... (with occasional exciting adventures of BHCC ..)

Monday, November 01, 2010

carol, yifan and the little one

Since my life is going to revolve round my dearest, this home blog will now become our family blog. Hmmm. :) With the baby coming in 4 months, we are all gear up for her coming. Stroller, baby playpen, bottles, sterilizer, car seat all bought and on standby already haha. Very excited over the arrival our new family member.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Counting Down - 2 more months

Counting down to my big day......
1) lose weight - not done
2) find baby pics - not done
3) order wedding cakes - not done
4) montage - not done
5) send invitation cards - not done
6) guest list - not done. anyway it is never a final final list. it is changing every min
7) change money for honeymoon - not done
8) prepare winter clothings for hub - not done
9) do research for honeymoon - not done

Despite the above, I have yet to feel the pressure, except for occasional nagging from hub. At the end of the day, I always tell myself to enjoy the process..

Hahaha....let me relec on corner and la kopi first....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

MegaCombat and Harris Shopping

Why such an interesting topic? well becos while my dearie is having a great time doing Planet Fitness Mega Combat at the Suntec fountain of wealth, her chubby hubby is enjoy a new book he got from Harris after shopping at Harris for 2 hours and setting up his laptop to type in blog entry while enjoy a soyabean drink at Pin le.. (Ps: $2 for soyabean.. Inflation is no joke.)

Time check 653pm, honey almost finish with combat, took me only 5 mins for this entry. Hmm, make an effort to have more blog entries to keep track of all the fun times we have....

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

My choice of breakfast :)

Woke up this morning with a wide array of breakfast selection from my dear wifey.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Head-over-Heels Run 2008

Dearie and I went for the Head-over-Heels Couples Run 2008 run yesterday morning. We headed out early morning to East Coast park for the 8 km run which was organized by Care community to emphasis the importance of marriage, togetherness, family bonding etc.. those stuff lah..

8km to my dearie was a pieces of cake, but unfortunately her lazy hubby who is hopelessly lacking in exercise had to struggle to complete the 8 km. She had to slow down for me.. *paiseh leh*

After the run, Dearie decided to go for her Musli Parfeit at Coffee Bean, not knowing that it was at the MacDonald Area, I agreed to walk with her from Area F2. While we were walking, then dearie revealed that Coffee bean is at the MacDonald Area, which I remembered during my teenage-Chalet days that it was very far away from the Chalet..... hahaha..

Nevertheless we had a good cool down walk..(30 mins loh...)and got to MacDonalds for a Mac breakfast (which was supposed to be coffee bean, haha Parfeit sold out again..), before we went home on the our trusty Bus 196.

To sum it all, I loved to go running on events like this with dearie and will sign up for more events :) (got event goodie bag, then hubby will go one! >_< )

PS: Made use of the Running Lab $50 voucher and bought a Mizuno Wave Inspire 4 which I have been eyeing for a while... *happy* See my devotion and determination to keep fit! *bleah*

PSS: Can you find me and dearie in the photo hahaha.. (photo taken by someone else and found on the sgrunner forum..hahaha..)

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

2 Apr 2008 - Third day of my "detox" diet. So far so good. Seems to be fine to go without meat, rice, noodles or even bread. By right a pure detox should be just fruits and veggies but seems like I can't resist the cooked veggies that MIL prepares for me. Her stir fried veggies with garlic is NICE!!! No doubt I am eating fruits and vegs, I seriously think I won't lose much weight because of the quantity that I eat. As my Hubby puts it, even elephant who eat grass will also put on weight. TMD!! MIL cooked a $5 worth of veggies and my Hubby and I managed to finish the entire plate. Guess I must gradually reduce the amount of my food intake.

I must learn to like the feeling of HUNGER......

Sadist but this is the extent that woman will go to for beauty......

Monday, March 31, 2008

31 March 2008. Times flies and a quarter of the year has gone by without me realising it. This would also mean my wedding photoshoot is drawing near!! No doubt technology nowadays can do wonder, but I would still want to save the photographer some headache if he can minimize the photoshop efforts. See how kind I am...... And this would mean I need to lose some inches off me man!!

I planned to go on a fruits and veg diet from 1 Apr 08 to 12 May 08 (which is my photoshoot date). I had a prelude to this plan by embarking on this plan today, trying to get a feel of just surviving on fruits and green alone for the entire day. Here's my food journal:

1 cup of pear juice
1 slices of papaya
1 green apple

1 cup of grapefruit + mango juice
1 slice of pineapple
1 slice of papaya
1 slice of rockmelon

Midday snack:
1 red apple

Generous serving of brocoli, tomato and carrot (cooked)
Few pieces of egg toufu (technically I should not eat this since egg is not included in my plan but then again...mai waste food)
Large serving of delicious apple soup
1 orange
Lots of cherry tomatoes

I think I ate too much for dinner but dinner was simply great! Courtesy of MIL but I felt very bad cos she didn't add meat in the soup because of me!!! I told her that I chose to go on fruits and veg diet is purely for health reasons and not for religious reason, so she need not skip the meat entirely. I can just don't eat the meat. And because of me, my "tam chiak" hubby went meatless also for dinner!!! He didn't realise it until I mention!! Maybe I should just keep quiet..Blah Blah..

Today is only the first day. Let's see if I can tong for another day...and another...and another..

Maybe I am gg to faint after blogging this....

PS: Food for thought of the day (contributed by Hubby): Companies should not have teamwork, synergy, leadership etc as their core values. They should have ESCALATION, THROW SPANNAR AND COVER KA CHING as their core values!!! How true....